Thursday, September 6, 2012

Higher Dimensional Being

I'll go a bit deistic for this post.

Imagine a flat 2D universe on, say, a piece of paper. A resident of that universe, say, a stickman, would only be able to move in two dimensions only with movements such as up, down, left, and right. In his universe there is no forward or backward. It can't visualize the thought of an extra dimension the same way we can't visualize four. Forwards or backwards is impossible for two dimensions but we in three dimensions can do that pretty easily. Our daily lives involve moving in three dimensions.

Let's say you look at this piece of paper the stickman calls his universe. Anywhere he looks and anywhere he goes, you can see the stickman. No matter what the stickman does, it cannot escape you. To him, you could be considered omnipresent. Even if the stickman encloses itself in a square house, four "walls" would mean nothing to you.

It cannot fathom the simplest of things you are able to do. The ideas of "forward" and "backward" are, to it, very stunning and revolutionary. You would probably shrug it off like nothing but to it, you are everything. All it can see of you are your fingerprints.

We cannot turn our backs on a 4-dimensional being. Think about higher dimensions. No matter where we face, it can see us.

We cannot even notice the beings in our own dimension. What are worms and ants thinking about? DO they even realize that humans exist? Would they fathom the concepts of "capitalism", "mersenne primes", "neutrinos", or "skyscrapers"? No, they don't. Even if we give them the information, they wouldn't be able to understand it.

How the fuck can anyone even think that a being from a higher dimension would give a fuck about abortion, homosexuality, or pre-marital sex?


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